Monday, December 15, 2008

The grass is always greener.....

So after a full snow day with the kids I was pondering on whether the grass is greener, without snow that is. Sunday morning I was as, if not more, excited then the kids. I love snow! I love to watch it falling, to sit inside with a warm cup of cocoa while its cold outside, and I love the feeling of nothing I have to do. Then it hit me. None of the things I love about snow include going outside in it, cleaning up 5 sets of wet snow clothes, or keeping 4 girls busy for extra days right before Christmas when they are already sooo excited. As I was laying in bed last night exhausted after the ordeal of the snow day, I was not looking forward to yet another day of it, I realized I had a choice to make. So today I decided to look at the grass the way it is -white- and realize that sometimes in life the grass really is greener on the other side, but we have to learn to love whatever grass we are given. (Or learn to fertalize more.) So today was a much better day. I had fun as I watched the kids sledding down a hill close to us, and then we enjoyed that cup of cocoa with lunch. Right now they are doing the Wii-and if I'm lucky I'll get a shower and then we'll make carmels together My attitude adjustment has made all the difference. So I'm thinking I need to apply this to another area of my life. Todd's work schedule. Many that may read this know that Todd has been on an afternoon shift for most of our married life, leaving me to put kids to bed, run to practices, and go to meetings on my own. I have waited (not super patiently) for the day when he would move to a different shift-looking at that as the grass being greener. So when he moved to night shift-I was excited to feel the warmth of the nice green grass, that is to say I loved the shift. He was home to see the kids more, help me at night, and life seemed to be more normal. The flip side was that he didn't get much sleep, and the poor man was tired all the time. So then a miracle happened and he moved to day shift. (Although this won't last forever.) I was thrilled thinking all would be perfect-Ya know really, really, green grass. Guess what I found out-The grass is not always greener. Now Todd works all weekend leaving me with the girls Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. When he comes homes he is exhausted because he has to get up at 5:00 am, and I have had enough "love" from the girls that I am ready to run out of the house the min. he gets home. On this shift I've been less grateful of Todd's situation, and just feeling sorry for me. So now I realize no matter what shift, or situation we find ourselves in, there is good and bad, and we just have to deal with it. So hopefully my positive attitude can turn this into a better situation for us all as I realize the grass is not always greener (except maybe when its covered in snow.)


rlmquest said...

I love that life slows down when a snow storm hits. Reminds me of Vermont....except life didn't slow down for a snowstorm this size!

Kelly(M&M) said...

Your perspective is fantastic. So much of life is how we respond to what we are given, or what we feel we didn't get. I wish I could remember that each moment. Thanks for the reminder. I love your honesty. I am glad you were able to enjoy the time with your kids. Can you handle yet another day?

Jadie said...

Only too true! I love your Christmas-themed wallpaper, btw.

Armitage Family said...

My super fantastic and oh so patient sister. You are wonderful, and now that I am married, I can truly apologize for all the grief I've given you in the past. You do so much and are a wonderful mom and wife. I love you! Hang in there!