Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 2008

What a wonderful Christmas week we have had. It truly will go down as one of the most memorable ones ever. Having to be shuttled back and forth in Grandpas 4 wheel drive was exciting, if not a major hassle. Having a white Christmas for the second year in a row was amazing, even if it put a kink in some of our plans. Personally I enjoyed cutting back a little, and not being able to stress if things weren't perfect. Even my mom did a great job of being flexible with the weather. We enjoyed spending time with Family, without a whole lot of extra fluff. (I do enjoy a little fluff once in a while, but life and Christmas still go on without it.)
Christmas eve we played gift bingo and had lots of fun. (Only a few tears from Megan over a stolen Taylor Swift cd that Uncle Jack thought was funny to do, but the pre teen Megan didn't.) We ended up with lots of fun gifts including a burts bees pack, a gingerbread gift set, a gumball machine, Hairspray the movie, and Todd picked a look alike leg lamp (from A Christmas Story) that he thinks would be funny to put in our front window! (Don't worry-the girls have plans to accidentaly break it if that happens.) We also did a great nativity story, with the best costumes you have ever seen. Grandma Milne made them and as the snow got higher, the cosumes got more elaborate! You could really feel the spirit in the room. The whole family was in new Christmas pajamas as we went to bed and awaited for Santa to come. It was a little wierd because Samantha is the only one left in our house that still believes in the big guy. By next year Santa may be a thing of the past, which would make it a little easier to concentrate on the real meaning of Christmas.
Christmas morning the girls were very suprised to find that Santa had gotten Daddy his big screne TV!!!!!!! We are all enjoying how clear everyone looks. Today I told the girls when they have kids they will tell them ,"When we were little we had to watch a t.v. that was square, and the people didn't look clear at all." Isn't technology amazing? I can't imagine how much change my grandparents have seen in their lives! Speaking of technology Kaylee got a robot from Santa, Megan a kids video camera, Jenelle a new camera yeah!, and we now have to buy stock in batteries. Jennifer finally got the guitar she wanted, and Samantha was thrilled with yet another baby doll. We marveled at how quickly this Christmas came. Wasn't it just Christmas of 2007? After picking up most of the mess me were shuttled by Grandpa over for the Milne family Christmas. We had the traditional sausage egg cassarole and cinnamon roll Christmas tree for breakfast before tearing in to the gifts. Actually Christmas was not crazy this year as all of the kids (except Kyler) were old enough to have patience and we enjoyed opening each and every gift. Most of the day was then spent watching the girls play with their cousins on the dance dance revolution they got from grandma and grandpa for Christmas. We even got Grandpa and Uncle Jack to do it! Then we ate too much for dinner and tried to stuff even more in for dessert! We especially enjoyed spending time with Kacie and Andrew who finally arrived via Boise and Seattle. We are sad they are going back to Utah on Thursday. On Sunday we were able to have Christmas with the Christensen side. We heard about everyones Christmas, and the kids spent lots of time playing in the basement while the adults talked about politics, and of course the Portland Police department. After dinner we opened presents, and the big highlight was Megans bike! It was nice to visit with family that even though live close, we don't see often enough. We had a wonderful Christmas and hope anyone reading this also enjoyed lots of time with friends and family.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Snow bums!


Snow depth. (We cleared this once this week.)

The great oak tree!

Winter Wonderland!

What was our Van!

Out our front door

Snow man from when we thought we had snow!

Snow on, and Snow on, and .......

What does one do when you have record snow fall at your house? Well today Todd is not going to work (yeah) and he is going to try and build an igloo with the kids. I have to say I am a snow lover, but this is amazing. The kids will always remember this year. Kaylee blames herself for all the snow because she wore her pajamas on inside out, put 12 ice cubes on the front walk, and slept with a spoon under her pillow. (She was told this would make it snow.) Now that she is blameing herself for all this snow I told her I was impressed she had that much control over the weather! She also came down on Saturday and said " And they say we're having global warming. This looks like global freezing to me!" I really had to agree with her. Maybe all of us Oregonians are doing too much recycling! (Hee Hee) Well on Saturday we did lots of crafts, made Tree shaped cakes and decorated them with candy and then gave them to our snowed in neighbors, did the Wii, and watched several Christmas movies. Also the girls had too keep clearing a spot for Maggie to go to the bathroom on. She was having a hard time because of the half inch layer of ice on top of all the snow. Today however she has given up trying to find a good spot and is just going in the foot of space that is clear right by the door. Kaylee and Megan thought the ice was great and did "The Penguin" sliding on their tummies all over the back yard. Jen and Sam liked crunching through the layers of ice, and Sam kept taking bites of the ice before she would throw it sliding across the rest of the ice. Today they think the icicles that have formed are really cool, and tasty. As I am writing this it is still snowing, and we can not see our van in the front yard. The question is really now whether (weather) we will be able to get to my moms on Christmas and if my sister Kacie will get home. (She has been stuck in Boise, and is now on her way down from Seattle.) Besides the fact that many things are not getting done that otherwise might (A few gifts that won't get bought, and treats given to visiting teachers) this snow is really forcing us to have a REAL kind of Christmas where the important thing is spending time with family, and showing love for others. If we can take the time to look past what isn't, we can see we really have been given a wonderful gift. So go enjoy your family and Merry Christmas!!!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christensen Spa Day-Face mask time!

Megan looks good enough to eat!

Spa Day!

Today was our fourth and last snow day (my girls have no school on Fridays anyways) before Christmas break officially begins. I have to admit to being a little annoyed at Sherwood school district for the no school call because the roads seemed so clear, but I changed my mind later when I was stuck in a van half way up a hill. (More about that later.) My girls had mixed feelings about it because we have had a great few days together, they still didn't want to miss school Christmas parties, and Megan of course wanted to be given homework. And I'm not joking about that. Well, slushy roads and all we decided to have a girls spa day to spice up the long week. I even made them an avacado/ oatmeal mask which actually felt great. They did hair and nails on eachother, and I don't think I heard one argument all morning. Also this week has gotten me back on my Wii fit schedule so maybe I can burn off some of those calories I've been eating with all the treats around!
After lunch we decided to do opperation rescue Grandma. My mom hasn't been able to finish her Christmas shopping because she is terrified to drive in the snow, and my dad has been so busy helping other people. (Also she needed to get something for him.) So we all piled in the van to go pick up Grandma. Things were going great, until we got half way up and found the wheels spinning. Nothing we did could make that car go up that hill in the ice and slush. Now this wouldn't be that suprising if I had been driving, but Todd the "I'm a professional" police officer was driving. So at that point I gave the Sherwood School district cudos for the snow day, and somehow convinced my mom to walk the rest of the way down the hill so we could continue kidnapping her. We then went to Costco, Justice for Girls, and Cash and Carry and are hopefully finished for the year. We were all glad to get out of the house, and after a little sunshine-and a faster head start, we made it to my parents door safe and sound. I did feel a little like a pioneer gearing up to go into town on a once a month trip. I guess we really have no idea how great we really have it compared to all the generations that have gone before us.

Monday, December 15, 2008

The grass is always greener.....

So after a full snow day with the kids I was pondering on whether the grass is greener, without snow that is. Sunday morning I was as, if not more, excited then the kids. I love snow! I love to watch it falling, to sit inside with a warm cup of cocoa while its cold outside, and I love the feeling of nothing I have to do. Then it hit me. None of the things I love about snow include going outside in it, cleaning up 5 sets of wet snow clothes, or keeping 4 girls busy for extra days right before Christmas when they are already sooo excited. As I was laying in bed last night exhausted after the ordeal of the snow day, I was not looking forward to yet another day of it, I realized I had a choice to make. So today I decided to look at the grass the way it is -white- and realize that sometimes in life the grass really is greener on the other side, but we have to learn to love whatever grass we are given. (Or learn to fertalize more.) So today was a much better day. I had fun as I watched the kids sledding down a hill close to us, and then we enjoyed that cup of cocoa with lunch. Right now they are doing the Wii-and if I'm lucky I'll get a shower and then we'll make carmels together My attitude adjustment has made all the difference. So I'm thinking I need to apply this to another area of my life. Todd's work schedule. Many that may read this know that Todd has been on an afternoon shift for most of our married life, leaving me to put kids to bed, run to practices, and go to meetings on my own. I have waited (not super patiently) for the day when he would move to a different shift-looking at that as the grass being greener. So when he moved to night shift-I was excited to feel the warmth of the nice green grass, that is to say I loved the shift. He was home to see the kids more, help me at night, and life seemed to be more normal. The flip side was that he didn't get much sleep, and the poor man was tired all the time. So then a miracle happened and he moved to day shift. (Although this won't last forever.) I was thrilled thinking all would be perfect-Ya know really, really, green grass. Guess what I found out-The grass is not always greener. Now Todd works all weekend leaving me with the girls Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. When he comes homes he is exhausted because he has to get up at 5:00 am, and I have had enough "love" from the girls that I am ready to run out of the house the min. he gets home. On this shift I've been less grateful of Todd's situation, and just feeling sorry for me. So now I realize no matter what shift, or situation we find ourselves in, there is good and bad, and we just have to deal with it. So hopefully my positive attitude can turn this into a better situation for us all as I realize the grass is not always greener (except maybe when its covered in snow.)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snowgirl Sam!

Snow baby!

Kaylee making a snow angel!

Megan all bundled up!

Santa Baby!

Todd, Sam and Jen at the Ward Party!

Santa and Snow

On Friday night we went to the ward Christmas party, had dinner, and the girls got to see Santa. (Megan was at a birthday party but she saw the big man last week!) At first Jen didn't want to sit on Santa's lap because she thought she was too big, but Kaylee convinced her otherwise. Sam was super excited to see Santa because this week she has been trying to put together the meaning of Christmas and how Santa fits into all of it. She now understands giving gifts to show love for others like the wisemen did for Jesus, and because Jesus would want us to think of others on his birthday. She then said "So Santa gives gifts like the wise men did?" I told her yes, but that Santa is mostly for fun and the real reason is to celebrate Jesus's Birth. Then this Sunday we got a special Christmas gift. Snow!!!!!!!!! I was as excited as the kids. It was the big, Christmas card picture type snow. Today I wouldn't let the kids go sledding (after all it is still Sunday) but we did take a long walk around the neighborhood with Maggie (who loves the snow), and the girls played a little in our backyard. We have had a great day together doing crafts, puzzles, baking, and of course watching the snow fall. The bad news is that Todd has to drive home in this. :(

Friday, December 12, 2008

Book signing, boys, and Band!

The picture below is from my brother Kevin's book signing at Borders on Tuesday night. He wrote a book called "The Paper bag Christmas." It has been very exciting seeing him go through the process of being published. If you haven't read the book you should. We love it, and it really inspires the true meaning of Christmas.
Boys are not something we normally talk about around here, but on Tuesday we got to see a glimpse into what life might be like a few years from now at our house when Megan played the part of Helena in A Midsummers Nights Dream at her school. For those not familiar with the play, this meant that at one part Megan had two boys in love with her and she was fighting them off. (She loved slapping one on the wrist.) Besides a bit of a reality check for us, Megan did a wonderful job of acting and her Teacher called her a scene stealer. Way to go Megan!!!
Band is not a class my children are taking, but it starts with a b and we did have to sit through the band performance last night before getting to hear our angels voices at the school christmas concert. As always I was very impressed with the quality of the concert, and really enjoyed the older grades that even sang parts. The theme was December around the world, so many of the songs were in foreign languages. Some were about other cultures like chinese new year, kwanza, and Hanuakka, but there was still a nice religious Christmas undertone to it which is hard to find in school these days! Our girls did great and looked so cute up on stage. Samantha even sang without getting nervous! Way to go Christensen girls!!!!!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saturdays Market

Today the girls and I hitched a ride to the Saturdays Market in down town Portland with Grandma and Grandpa Milne. Actually I invited myself when I heard they were going because I knew that was the only way we could go. (Todd is not a big fan of me taking the girls into Portland-and pretty much refuses to do so. He knows way too much about what really goes on there and sometimes runs into people he has arrested before. This way he didn't have to go, and there was still a guy with us so he felt ok about us going.) So anyways after promissing Todd I wouldn't use my visa(cash only), or lose any of the girls, and stay as far away from potsmokers or bongs as we could, we were off. The girls were in awe of all the sights and sounds around. When I asked them tonight what they liked best here were there responses:
Kaylee-I liked the elephant ears with apple butter on them.
Jennifer-I liked the wooden flute whistles. (She really wanted one but didn't have enough money to get one this time.)
Samantha-I liked the colorful bowls(She meant glass blown vases-what good taste she has!)
and the reindeer whistle I bought.
Megan -It was a hard decision but she also picked the elephant ears.
Kaylee also added that "It was really cool and it smelled so good."
We had a great time roaming around and only purchased a few small things before having our elephant ears and leaving. We managed to follow all of Todds requests except we did see a few glass blown bongs that the girls had no idea what they were. I enjoyed spending the day with family and especially loved seeing all the items made of wood. It reminded me of when I was little and my parents would take me there. I would look at the wood clocks, and smooth wood bowls forever. It is fun to appreciate others art and talents in that setting because it is all so different.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree!

Thoughts on our Christmas Tree

Today while the girls were at school Todd and I pulled out the Christmas decorations and put up the Christmas tree. Then we carefully sorted the ornaments into piles for each of the girls, put our own ornaments and breakables up high on the tree, and then sat down and enjoyed some Christmas music. When the girls got home we watched as they lit up with joy upon seeing the house, and each one put up their pile of ornaments. After the peace and quite of today (and no broken ornaments) I have vowed that this will become a new tradition-and maybe I will not dread the beginning of December so much! I also had time to reflect on the tree and ornaments as I carefully pulled each one out of the box. I was filled with a sense of love as I realized that most of these ornaments were from friends and family, and each one has a special story. Some were from Todd and mine own childhoods and have rich stories that we share with our children. There are football and barbie ornaments given to us by Grandma Milne when our tree was very bare, and we couldn't afford many of our own. Precious hand made ones from Grandma Jeanne, The Starlings, and the girls themselves. A great many new ornaments for each of the girls as I pass down a tradition of giving them an ornament every year. (This year they were Webkinz ones.) A rock ornament made by my grandpa strawn, and a white house ornament given to us by Todds Grandma Navine. One of the most memorable ones was given to us by Kevin and Rebecca on our first Christmas in Provo. They had made a Christmas tree out of a bottle of Sparkling cider and this was the ornament they placed on it. That was our only tree and ornament that year. I could go on and on , but I just wanted to share of few of the thoughts about our tree and the ornaments placed upon it. Christmas really is about love, the love of our savior that we try and emulate. We are truly lucky to be surrounded with so many good examples of that love.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Our Thanksgiving-By Jen

our familyies thanksgiving was crazy .We first went to my Dads moms house we had dinner and dessert their.We also went to my other grandmas house we also ate dessert their. At the second grandmas house their were LOTS of desserts .When we got home we all had a stomachache .I couldn't go to bed that night because I had a stomachache .Oh did I mention my favorite food ?Id have to say it was the trifle that my grandma made ,and that was how our Thanksgiving went .

Kaylee's Sad

Hi !Kaylee typing .I am sad because one of my best friends is moving all the way to UTAH!!! Im sad but im also happy for her because shes moving closer to her family .She's taking it really well.If I was moving to Utah I would be crying for a long time because I would have to move to a all new school and make all new friends.I feel really bad for her because her hamster died on thank's giving morning.

Awards Ceremony

Today at the girls school Jennifer received an award for citizenship and Kaylee for great leadership. Megan, Samantha, and Kaylee also got an award for perfect attendance and no tardies this semester. Way to go girls!!! I really have to give most of the credit for the no tardies to Megan who is a great alarm clock for us all. We would never wake up if it wasn't for her.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

We are Thankful!

So before going to bed we thought we would tell 1 thing we are thankful for on the last day of November. Here goes:
Mom-I am thankful for a husband that has a stable job and works so hard.

Megan-I am thankful for my sisters. (She said this like a question so maybe it should be "I am thankful for my sisters?")

Kaylee-I am thankful for my whole family!

Jennifer-I am thankful for school.

Samantha-I am thankful for Maggie (she even told me how to spell it!)

Todd- Is unavailable for comment due to having to work overtime tonight because someone else called in sick.

Welcome to our family blog !

So we finally decided to get into blogs-with the persistance of some family members-and girls that were jealous of their cousins! They each wanted their own, but with limited computer time, and a computer that is already overloaded, this was our best option. So you might get a little input from all of us. Hope you enjoy-Hopefully more to come soon!